Our members are jewelry designesr, regalia makers, graphic artists, community members, supporters and specialists in a wide range of fields. Artist work is handmade and meticulously designed to be unique one of a kind art pieces. They have been described as "wearble art" and have been sold around the country. Our members also work as a consultants and mentors to other Native artists and youth and lead workshops on best practices for Native art and design as well as participate in NWC events. You can learn more about any member by clicking on a picture below. You can also purchase items on ETSY!
David "Sticks" Arwood
Marlette Grant-JacksonNina Surbaugh-Gibbs |
All photos are property of the Native Women's Collective. All photo images are copyright protected. Image use is subject to permission, issuance and payment to the Native Women's Collective. No form of reproduction is permitted without written permission from the Native Women's Collective.