You can now visit Arwood Art at the following locations/ events to purchase a piece of jewelry. All proceeds will assist with the support of this meaningful event. Friday August 26, 2011 in Blue Lake (by the Blue Lake Grange). Sunday August 28 (10 a.m.) at the Sapphire Palace in the Blue Lake Casino. Check back for more events/ appearances.
Beginning September 1st you will be able to donate to the "NWC Community Support Fund." All proceeds and donations will assist with supporting workshops, events and preparations for cultural and ceremonial events such as the Flower Dance ceremony for Aurora.. Check back September 1 for the opportunity to donate. For more information contact the NWC.
Arwood Art: A Father/ Daughter Team
![]() All items are created by father/daughter team of Karuk Tribal members - David (Sticks) and Aurora Arwood.
All proceeds on jewelry items for sale through Arwood Art will assist with the purchase of materials to create a traditional dress and for Aurora's Flower Dance preparations. To purchase any of the items contact Arwood Art or visit Arwood Art at any of the events/ locations listed above. |
What is a Flower Dance?
The Flower Dance Ceremony is a three, five or ten days honoring for a young girl as she becomes a woman. The ceremony is a community celebration that includes specific practices and ritual guidelines for the young girl. This ceremony is particularly important as it is believed that the girl’s behavior during these days would influence her destiny throughout life. Many aspects
of the dance demonstrate this value. Running is a significant part of the daily ritual activities and the belief is that how she runs demonstrates how she will live her life. During the day the young girl is attended to by visiting women who offer advice, she is taught songs, prayers and skills by older women.At night the community gathers to sing songs, dance and pray for the girl. As part of the ceremony the girl will make a traditional bark skirt and buckskin dress which will become part of her regalia collection. How Can I Help?
What Will My Donation Do?
Donations will be used to hold workshops, events and gatherings to plan, gather and make regalia pieces for use during ceremonial and cultural events. Donations will also be used to support the making of a traditional regalia dresses and other items. Donations will also be used to provide supplies and support.